Enhanced Supports Services

The Enhanced Support Team follows best practice to provide qualified and credentialed support in the following ways:


Positive Behaviour Support – We have NDIS Commission approved positive behaviour support practitioners that currently serve the state and can work in both NDIS funded and non-NDIS funded areas;

What is Positive Behaviour support (PBS)?

    • Behaviour support is about creating individualised strategies for people with disability that are responsive to the person’s needs, in a way that reduces and eliminates the need for the use of regulated restrictive practices.
    • Behaviour support focuses on evidence-based strategies and person-centred supports that address the needs of the person with disability and the underlying causes of behaviours of concern, while safeguarding the dignity and quality of life of people with disability who require specialist behaviour support.
    • Positive Behaviour Support practitioners develop interim and comprehensive behaviour support plans, functional behavioural assessments, and, develop strategies to reduce behaviours of concern and provide training to staff and organisations.

FIM  (Functional  Independence  Measure)  Assessment  –  We  have  credentialed  team  members  that  can administer the FIM for NDIS and non-NDIS participants;

What is a FIM Assessment?

    • This assessment is a basic indicator of a patient disability. It is used to track the changes in the functional ability of a patient for a variety of populations and is not specific to any diagnosis – FIM / WeeFIM – University of Wollongong – UOW

Social Work – We are developing our Social Worker capability;

Social workers provide case management in areas such as injury rehabilitation and complex participants

Therapeutic supports :

We provide therapeutic counselling for NDIS and non-NDIS participants;

Support coordination – Creates capacity and connections for NDIS participants.

Support coordination helps you to make the best use of your supports in plan. Support coordination is a capacity building support which helps you to:

    • Understand and use your NDIS plan to pursue your goals
    • Connect you with NDIS providers, community, mainstream and other government services
    • Build your confidence and skills to use and coordinate your supports.

Specialist Support Coordination

Specialist support coordination – This is a higher level of support coordination. It is for people whose situations are more complex and who need specialist support. A specialist Support Coordinator will assist you to manage challenges in your support environment and ensuring consistent delivery of service.

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